A sortable comparison table of open source HTTP proxies written in java, which allows you to directly compare java proxies based on their features, such as licence, design, etc.
There are detailed pages about the following java proxies.
Pro Active WebFilter, Muffin - WWW Filtering System, RabbIT - proxy for a faster web, mprox, Scone, Agent Frank, Surfboard, WebScarab, Yacy, MaxQ, Sahi, JAP: Java Anonymizing Proxy, Sloppy, Smart Cache, Zee Proxy, jProxy, PhishBouncer, Paros Proxy, Membrane Monitor, Little Proxy, Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP), Andiparos, A Simple Multi-Threaded Java HTTP Proxy Server, mitm-proxy, ProxyServlet.
A sortable comparison table of open source HTTP proxies written in python, which allows you to directly compare python proxies based on their features, such as licence, design, etc.
There are detailed pages about the following python proxies.
NTLM Authorization Proxy Server, WebCleaner, Ajax Proxy, Mobile Web Proxy, HTTPRipper, htfilter2, Approx, ProxyHTTPServer, mxmproxytool, microproxy, Amit's Web Proxy Project, HTTP Replicator, MindRetrieve, Personal Proxy Server, Twisted Proxy, WebDebug, httpMonitor, AdZapper, Archiver Proxy, Cut the Crap, Alfajor, Tiny HTTP Proxy, TCPWatch, ICAP Server, Mediator, Willow, Munchy, Txt2Html, Zorp, BProxy, HTTPSERVERS, WSGIProxy, Python Proxy, Throxy, HttpMessage, Django HTTP Proxy, txsslmitm, Twisted Web Proxy, Cherry Proxy, pymiproxy - Python Micro Interceptor Proxy, PageKite.